Need help with something? Our KnowledgeBase can help!

Need help with something? Our KnowledgeBase can help!
Are you struggling to set up your email account in Outlook 365 / 2013 / 2016? Are you trying to figure out how to delete an email account in your control panel?
We’ve been hard at work making sure that you can always find the answers to questions like this in our knowledgebase (KB).
To make sure you can always find the help you need, we are constantly improving and adding articles to our KB.
To make sure our KB can always assist you, we monitor our interactions with our customers constantly in an attempt to improve customer service and to prioritise articles that need updating or adding to our knowledge base.
You can find email related articles in the email category.
How to set up your email account in Outlook 2013 / 2016
How to set up your email account in Outlook 365 – Advanced
POP3 or IMAP? Which should I choose when setting up my email?
Just to mention a few.
We also have hosting related article’s like tutorial video’s to cPanel and SolidCP found in the web hosting category.
And as always, if you cannot find what you are looking for in our KB, please find us on our Live chat or create a support ticket and our support team will be there to assist you.